Saturday, October 24, 2009

So this is how I know the child support system is stepdaughter's(emily) biological father called this week and asked for his child support obligation to be forgiven. There is grace and there is forgiveness...but a financial obligation to your child is really not something that can be erased. This is not personal...I love Emilys dad with all of my heart. This is not about us though. Its about taking responsibility for your decisions and taking care of your kids. He said that he was advised by his attorney(public defender that we are paying for with our tax dollars) to ask for the debt to be forgiven. Wow...I didnt know that was an option. Maybe I should ask the boys mom if it would be ok if I dont pay child support anymore. Somehow I dont think she would go for it, and it just sounds absurd. I am a little confused about where the justice is in this whole ordeal. I work=I pay VS. I don't care to get a job=i get an attorney that is paid for and my debt forgiven. You weigh it out.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I dont even know where to begin. Tuesday of this week I was supposed to attend a court hearing to determine if and how much time my sons would be able to spend with me. I had to withdraw my motion because all efforts to pursue this motion were futile. I feel trapped...I feel that as a father I have no rights. I'm a good Dad! I'm current with child suppport, to be honest above and beyond. I spend as much time as I can with my boys. At this point I feel robbed. But my hands are tied. It just seems like the ball is always in their mothers court. I had a judge tell me once...that unless a mother is abusive, the children always belong with her. I have to disagree. I believe that the children need a mother and a father. At this time I have visitation every other weekend and every Wednesday for 2 hours. I know that there are other men out there who feel like I do. What I would like to see is some equality in these types of matters. From the beginning of this whole mess I have not had a fair shake. The amount of money that I have had to pay attorneys is ridiculous. I currently pay over$200 a month for insurance that I dont need. All this is on top of the child support that Im ordered to pay every month. And on....and on... and onnnnnnn! This isnt a whining session. Im getting this out there so that other people in this situation can share ideas and their stories. There has to be a way to influence the government of this country concerning the rights of a father! Im interested to hear whatever people have to say. I know that women are wronged and left abandoned all the time by deadbeat dad's. My heart goes out to them! But this is my situation...and I want to see change! I want an audience with people who can help me make a difference!